#I know you love the office so here’s Dwight
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midnightmoon27 · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday to the bestest husband ever! You are my best friend and platonic soulmate 💙 I hope you have an amazing day! 😊 @foreverwithatinygoat
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ohhappyday123 · 9 months ago
Office Dynamics
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The usual chaos at Dunder Mifflin was in full swing as you settled into your desk. You glanced around the office, noting the familiar faces: your best friend Pam at the receptionist desk, Dwight giving one of his many stern warnings to an uninterested Jim, and Michael hiding behind his office door, occasionally peeking out to see if anyone needed "managing."
You had been at Dunder Mifflin for a few years now, and over time, you had built strong relationships with your coworkers. You were especially close to Pam and Dwight. Pam was your confidante, the one who shared your love for art and a good cup of coffee. Dwight, with all his quirks, had become a surprisingly loyal friend. And then there was Jim, with whom you'd developed a complicated yet exciting "fling."
The camera crew caught you at your desk, and you gave a small wave before starting your work.
Interview with Y/N: "I love it here. Everyone's so... unique," you laughed. "Pam and I have been friends since I started, and Dwight, well, he's an acquired taste, but he's a good friend. Michael... he kind of sees me as his secret favorite. I don't know why, but I'll take it."
As you typed away, Michael's voice echoed through the office. "Y/N! Can you come into my office for a second?"
You rolled your eyes playfully at the camera before standing up and making your way to Michael's office. He shut the door behind you, a serious look on his face.
"Y/N, I need your opinion on something very important," Michael said, his tone hushed.
"Sure, Michael. What's up?" you replied, curious.
"I've been thinking about the next office party theme. What do you think about a ‘Scranton Renaissance Fair’?" he asked, his eyes wide with excitement.
You couldn't help but smile. "I think it's a great idea, Michael. Everyone will love it."
Michael beamed, clearly satisfied with your response. "I knew I could count on you, Y/N. You're the best."
You left Michael's office, feeling a bit lighter. As you walked back to your desk, you noticed Jim watching you with a smirk. You raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking what he found so amusing.
He got up and sauntered over to your desk, leaning against it casually. "So, the boss's favorite, huh?"
You shrugged, trying to hide your smile. "What can I say? I have a way with people."
Jim chuckled, his eyes sparkling. "Well, you certainly have a way with me."
Before you could respond, Pam appeared beside you, a stack of papers in her hands. "Hey, Y/N. Got a minute?"
You nodded, grateful for the distraction. As Pam led you to the break room, you glanced back at Jim, who was still watching you, his smile never wavering.
In the break room, Pam set the papers down and turned to you, a knowing look on her face. "So, what's going on with you and Jim?"
You felt a blush creep up your neck. "Nothing, really. We're just... having fun."
Pam raised an eyebrow. "Uh-huh. Just be careful, okay? Jim's a great guy, but office flings can get complicated."
You nodded, appreciating her concern. "Thanks, Pam. I'll keep that in mind."
As the day went on, you found yourself in the middle of a prank war between Jim and Dwight. Dwight had somehow managed to get himself locked in the conference room, and Jim was pretending to have lost the key.
Interview with Dwight: "Y/N is one of the few competent people in this office. She understands the importance of structure and discipline. Jim, on the other hand, is a menace."
Interview with Jim: "Y/N and I have a good thing going. She's smart, funny, and knows how to keep Dwight in check. Plus, she's got this amazing smile that just... well, it's something special."
As you tried to mediate the situation, Michael called another impromptu meeting. Everyone gathered in the conference room, and you took a seat next to Pam. Jim sat across from you, giving you a playful wink.
Michael started the meeting with his usual enthusiasm. "Alright, everyone! I have exciting news. We're going to have a ‘Scranton Renaissance Fair’! And it was all Y/N's brilliant idea."
You felt everyone's eyes on you, and you gave a modest smile. "It should be fun."
After the meeting, as everyone was getting back to work, Jim cornered you near the copier. "So, a Renaissance Fair, huh? Any chance you’ll dress up as a princess?"
You laughed, shaking your head. "Only if you dress up as a knight."
Jim grinned, leaning in closer. "Deal. But just so you know, I'm pretty sure I'd be the one saving you."
You felt your heart race as you looked into his eyes. "We'll see about that."
The rest of the day flew by, and as the office began to empty, you found yourself alone with Jim. He walked you to your car, his hand brushing against yours.
"So, dinner tonight?" he asked, his voice hopeful.
You nodded, feeling a warmth spread through you. "I'd love that."
Interview with Y/N: "Jim and I... we have this connection. It's fun, it's exciting, and it just feels right. I'm not sure where it's going, but I'm enjoying the ride."
As you drove home, you couldn't stop smiling. The day had been filled with the usual office antics, but amidst it all, you felt a sense of happiness and anticipation. Tonight, you'd get to explore whatever this was with Jim a little further, and you couldn't wait.
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freesia-writes · 10 months ago
Pets4Vets: Jesse (2/4)
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Chapter 2 of 4 - Word Count: 3.2k - Jesse x Fem Reader Master List - previous chapter here
Jesse’s leg jiggled incessantly in his flimsy plastic chair in the reception area. He fidgeted with his fingers for a bit, then sat back, crossing them across his chest and lifting his chin. You swung open the door, datapad in hand, and scanned the empty room, stifling a grin at the fact that he nearly took up the entire corner. He was indeed “a big boy”, and his thin t-shirt made no attempt to conceal that fact. The giant Republic cog tattooed across his face and head was quite the statement, too. Resuming your businesslike manner, you invited him to follow you.
His eyes roved around your office as the door closed behind the two of you, the large window that made up the upper half allowing you to see people passing by outside. You felt a flicker of self-consciousness that surprised you as the faintest of smiles ghosted across his face at the sight of the many knick-knacks, memorabilia, and images that filled your walls. Past and present animals, with and without their owners, were peppered between what seemed like everything you had ever loved. But why should you care what some random trooper thought? You cleared your throat. 
“So… You’re looking for a large dog ‘or something equally badass’?” you asked, reading off your datapad. 
“Yeah,” he said, simultaneously proud yet a little unsure at his answer now that he heard it read back to him. “I just thought it’d be… nice. I’ve heard good stuff. Brothers seem to like their pets.”
“Many of them do, yes,” you agreed. 
“At least the ones that can’t land a girl,” he scoffed, laughing and nodding at you as though you’d wholeheartedly agree. You didn’t, and stared at him for a moment before deciding to let that one go. 
“The process might sound extensive, but the animals actually have a lot of nuance and personality, so we like to get to know our clients as well as possible so that we can find the best fit.”
“Ugh. You and the matchmaking people,” he blurted, pressing his lips together immediately. You realized he hadn’t meant to let that slip. Now you were torn about calling him out on it or not. Maybe feel him out a bit more first. 
“Yes, it is essentially matchmaking,” you grinned. “Many of these animals will be with you for a good portion of your life, so they do become a beloved partner in a way. Just don’t have sex with them.”
He guffawed so loudly he clapped his hand over his mouth, eyes large at the unrefined sound he’d just made. You couldn’t resist a chuckle at that one yourself. You did have a bawdy sense of humor at times, but it wasn’t always received well, so his laughter was a bit gratifying. 
“Just need to be clear on everything from the start,” you continued. He was trying and failing to arrange his features into the confident mask he’d worn through the door. You were surprised to find it endearing. But no time for that. “So… tell me about yourself. Your lifestyle. Your personality. Your priorities.”
“Kriff, that’s a lot. I mean… I was a soldier, obviously. Did a lot of wild and awesome things,” he grinned. Ah, back in his element. “Basically saved the galaxy. You know. You can show your gratitude in a variety of ways if you feel so inclined.” He ran a head over his bald head, leaning back to manspread a bit more on the other side of your desk. 
You didn’t know what to say, but apparently your face said it all.
“Anyway��” He coughed, then continued. “Now I’m apparently just a regular old person with a job and an apartment and a whole exciting life ahead of me…” A flicker of something crossed his face; you weren’t sure what it was, but you were suddenly quite intrigued. He moved on quickly, however. “So nowadays I work as a personal trainer at Dwight Schrute’s Gym for Muscles. Mostly afternoon and evening shifts. Cause I like to sleep in… After long nights, you know? Ahah.”
“I bet,” you murmured, swiping on the datapad screen. 
“I can tell you’re impressed,” he chuckled. You stared at him for a moment, unable to tell if he were being serious or not. “It’s okay, it happens to everyone.” Gods above, he was being serious. 
“I am… quite stunned,” you said, meaning every word. 
“Well don’t worry, I’ll pick you up if you faint.” 
“Mm. Thanks.”
“Nothing any hero wouldn’t do.”
“What about you? What’s your story?”
You looked up, taken off guard. Why would anyone be asking about your side of things? You were suspicious. “Nothing too exciting. I work here. Annnnd that’s about it. So you’d say you’re pretty active… Are you able to get outdoors a lot? If a pet needed a decent amount of exercise? Considering your sleep schedule, a crepuscular animal might be a good fit.”
“No crabs, lady,” he said, shaking his head and putting both hands in the air. “I’ve avoided those all my life and I’m not about to start now.” 
“Crabs?” you echoed, confused for a moment before it dawned on you. “Oh… Not crustaceous,” you clarified, biting back a giggle. “Crepuscular means animals that are most active in the twilight hours, so dawn or dusk. I suppose you’re not up early, but you mentioned a roommate? If they were able to give it a little attention in the early hours, you’d be on evening duty.”
“Alright,” he nodded, toning it down a bit. “I thought Massiffs were daytime animals though.” 
“They are. I don’t think that would be the best fit for you, though.”
He looked affronted, “You think you know me already?” A flash of a grin, both cocky and insecure.
“No,” you smiled. “But I know our animals, and I’ve gotten pretty good at reading vibes.” 
“Vibes?” he echoed, making no attempt to hide the condescension in his voice. 
“Energy, personality, whatever you want to call it. I’m good at pairing.”
“Ah, so you must have an amazing boyfriend then, eh?” he jabbed, unaware of the territory he was wandering into. The sharp look on your face gave him some clue, though, so he tried to correct. “Er, girlfriend? A theydey or gentlethem?” Then he gasped, forcing a conspiratorial look onto his face. “Is it even human?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the absolute ridiculousness. Where did he get the audacity? He was probably expecting you to be overwhelmed or impressed or have some kind of diminutive response. But that wasn’t quite what you were feeling at the moment. 
“Actually,” you said, imitating his tone, “it’s a rancor.”
Now it was his turn to laugh, only this time it was authentic delight and surprise instead of the cocky little “ahah”s you’d been getting so far. You were grinning without meaning to, momentarily pleased by the awe on his face. “Alright, alright,” he chuckled, wagging a finger at you. “So you like it freaky.”
“I actually haven’t been on a decent date in over a year now,” you deadpanned, relishing the shock that replaced his swagger. He legitimately didn’t know what to do with that, and that felt wildly satisfying. “Anyway, that’s all I really need for today. The receptionist will book your next appointment on your way out.”
He was too speechless to craft any sort of cocky response as he shuffled out of the room. 
* * * 
“This place is LOUD!” you yelled to your friend over the music. You’d finally caved at her incessant requests to go to 79s, and after hours of fretting over what to wear and how to do your hair, since you were mostly used to work attire and a ponytail, you were there. You’d opted for a simple black dress but had left your hair down since you wouldn’t be surrounded by animals for a change, although your friend had laughed and said that’s exactly what you’d be surrounded by. 
“You’ll get used to it!” she yelled back, waving enthusiastically at a table of troopers that she apparently seemed to be familiar with. A few of them howled back, beckoning her over, but she pointed at the bar first, and a few of them pushed past one another to meet her there. It was odd to see them all gathered in one place without their armor. Since the Clone Rights and Personhood Act had passed, they had no need for anything other than civilian clothing anymore, but it was still unique to see so many people with the same face. Granted, they all had their own unique style and approach to individuality, but you just weren’t used to all of it quite yet. 
Your friend dragged you to the bar counter along with the troopers, each one wearing a different t-shirt over some plain jeans, and the flirting began immediately. You stood behind the group, squinting to try to make out what was on the menu. The choices were fairly slim… a couple of cocktails or some very watered-down beer, or so you’d heard. Maybe you’d just stick with water tonight. 
Or so you thought.
Two hours later, you were completely drunk, having given in to multiple offers of drinks and dances, and your face was flushed red from the thrill of it all. It was quite unlike you, but you didn’t care. The troopers were adorable and endearing, and you were having an absolute blast learning so many names, dancing like a crazy person, and enjoying the shenanigans of the rowdy bunch. A naval officer currently had his hands on your hips, a gleeful grin on his face as the two of you rocked to the music. You’d been self conscious at first about dancing for all of two minutes, but the clones didn’t seem to care at all. They were just there to have fun, and you’d quickly found yourself caught up in the joy of it all. 
You were tiring quickly though, having danced for almost an hour straight, and you thanked your partner before heading off to the side, leaning against the wall and fanning yourself for a minute. Touching your hands to your cheeks, you giggled at how hot they were. You felt so pleasantly bubbly, just a little dizzy, warm and fuzzy inside, and absolutely delighted with anything and everything. 
“Well well well. Didn’t expect to see you here.” A clone had appeared at your side, immediately recognizable by the giant Republic cog tattoo across his face. 
“Jesse!” you yelled, flinging your arms open and throwing yourself at him for a hug. He stepped back, surprised, and lightly touched your back before you pulled back to regard him fondly. “This place is great!!” 
He chuckled, eyebrows furrowed at the shocking departure from what he’d seen of your personality at the animal shelter. “Yeah, I mean… You alright?” he tilted his head as you giggled, smacking his chest playfully. 
“SO GOOD!” you squawked, hand sliding up to his shoulder, then down his arm. You gave it a squeeze, then dropped your hand. “Damn, lookin good, trooper. What are you doing?”
“Just… hanging out,” he grinned. “You lookin for some fun?” 
“I seem to have found it!” You waggled your eyebrows, stepping closer and toying with his waist. “This place is great!”
“Yeah, you said that,” he laughed. “Want to dance?”
“Hellz to the yeah!” And you started dancing right there, swinging your hair around like your life depended on it.
“Wow… Okay… Let’s get you some water first,” he suggested, now torn between concern and delight.
“Water is for boglings!” you squawked, grabbing his hand and doing your best to drag him to the dance floor. But he was significantly larger than you, and he tugged you right back. You collided with his broad chest and looked up at him indignantly. 
“Water first,” he insisted, tapping the tip of your nose playfully.
“Get out of here,” you laughed, swatting at his hand. “But fine... if it means I get to grind on those juicy thighs!”
“Deal,” he grinned. 
You gulped down the pathetic cup of water he’d been able to wrangle from the bartender, then the two of you hit the dance floor. Whether it was all the pent-up energy you’d choked down from your disappointing dates or just the sheer intoxication of… well… being intoxicated, you were happy to let loose. Jesse was smooth and strong all at once, hands growing heavier on your body as you writhed against him, and you reached an arm up to cup the back of his neck. He lowered his head, brushing his lips against your neck, and hot fireworks exploded throughout your core as you continued to sway together. 
“Want to get out of here?” you yelled, turning around to face him and gliding your hands down his front. Your hair was scattered across your shoulders, cheeks bright red on either side of a dumb grin, and he swallowed. His gaze darkened for a moment, and he pulled you a little closer, cupping your face and meeting your eyes with undeniable desire. But he looked at you for a moment longer, and his shoulders slumped a tiny bit. 
“I’ll walk you home,” he offered.
“No, I meant to bang!” you pressed, laughing in complete disregard.
“I know...” he chuckled, taking your arm and steering you toward the door. "I know."
* * * 
You woke the next morning with a raging headache and a sick stomach. You sank your face into your hands, groaning at your desk as you tried to read the datapad with bleary eyes. Only a few appointments today, thank the Maker. Cleaning the animal kennels had nearly made you throw up, so a quiet day of desk work was about all you could handle before crawling back home to your bed. Your friend who'd taken you to 79s had commed you far too early in the morning, gleefully informing you that you’d been “off the hook”, and while you’d dreaded the answer to your the question you had for her, she’d assured you that you’d messaged her upon arriving at home and that you went to bed alone. 
Whatever else had happened, you couldn’t remember. At least you didn’t have to get tested for "crepusculars", you chuckled to yourself. 
A light knock on your door rang loudly in your ears, and you squinted through your window at the receptionist, who was waving with far too bright a smile for the ungodly hour of 10am. She jerked her head behind her, giving you a not-too-subtle thumbs up as she opened your door and ushered in the cocky clone from a couple days ago. Something about him looked different though… Your wracked your brain but came up with nothing other than an unsettled feeling. Maybe you’d had a dirty dream about him… it wouldn’t be the first time some random client had popped up while you slept. Either way, you felt your cheeks redden slightly as he stepped into your office, the door closing behind him. Only when he sat in the chair on the other side of your desk did you notice that he had two smoothies in his hands, one of which he slid across to you. 
“Good morning,” he grinned, and your stomach dropped as you realized he seemed to know something you didn’t. 
“Morning…” you said suspiciously, taking the smoothie and inspecting it before looking back at him. “What’s this?”
“It’s a lil somethin from the gym I work at… All kinds of healthy crap in it… But it’s supposedly great for hangovers.”
You stared, heart sinking in your chest. What had you done…
“So,” he continued briskly, all business and innocence. “What’s the next step? Meeting some animals today?” 
“Yes…” you said slowly, entirely unsure of how to move on. You were kicking yourself for having been so careless… You were never the type to drink so much that you couldn’t remember. But you’d felt safe and had been so buoyed by the infectious atmosphere… Regardless, there was work to be done, and you turned to your datapad to avoid his eyes. “There are a few different options that I had in mind after reviewing your file…”
“Is that what you call it…” he murmured, causing you to jerk your head up so fast that it throbbed. You winced, rubbing your temples and taking a sip of the smoothie. It was surprisingly refreshing, and you took a few more gulps, staring at him skeptically. 
“Alright,” you snapped, equally indignant and resigned. “Out with it.”
“With what?” His angelic smile made your heart skip a beat, which further added to your confusion. 
“Whatever you’re gloating about.” 
“You just seem so… professional in here…” he said, taking a leisurely sip of his own smoothie before putting it down with a flourish. 
“And a little more laid back when you were grinding on me like your life depended on it last night.”
You were stunned into silence, mouth falling open a little bit as you stared at him, speechless. You couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t even your type. Plus, you doubt he would have let you go home alone if you’d done what he was accusing you of. 
“You’re lying.”
“Mmkay,” he shrugged. Somehow that made you even more incensed. 
“So what else happened?” you challenged, lifting your chin a little bit. 
“Drinks and dancing. You really like to fling your hair around,” he chuckled. “Then I walked you home.”
“And?” you squinted. 
“And that’s it. You said you could make it up to your apartment. Did you?”
“Yes,” you sighed, relieved that your report to your friend had been accurate. But it struck you as odd. Wouldn’t he be the type to take advantage of your momentary lapse in judgment? 
“But if you still want to ‘bang’, as you put it, I’d be happy to oblige.” He folded his arms behind his head, showing off his muscles and arching an eyebrow at you, unfazed by your grimace and audible groan. 
“Did I really say that?” You didn’t even really want to know the answer. 
“Mhm. Didn’t know you wanted me that bad.”
“Kriff,” you muttered under your breath. Why did it have to be him? Of all the troopers in that Maker-forsaken bar… This was beyond repair. “I’m gonna have my colleague Tosak take your case,” you said suddenly, rising to your feet and grabbing your datapad. “He’ll be able to pick up where we left off and you should be able to take your animal home by the end of the week.”
“Wait, why?” Jesse stood up quickly, dropping the cocky facade immediately. 
“You expect me to be professional after that?” 
“No,” he answered bluntly, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Exactly,” you sighed, the flicker of a smile touching your cheeks. “It’ll be better this way.” You slipped out the door, once again leaving him in your office, mouth slightly open with a million different things to say.
Next Chapter
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imasimpcentral · 2 months ago
The Office lgbtq+ hcs (also posted on twitter but formatting will be different here lol)
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Michael Scott
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- cis, I don't think I could see him as anything else I fear
- he/him, but if he was asked he'd be very confused and would just be like "pronouns [pronounce] what?"
- bi, he never officially labels himself as that but we know damn well it's practically canon
- he is peak autism and I love him for it
- Ryan was bi awakening for obvious reasons
- I think he's kissed dwight before but refuses to talk about it
- Definitely had a crush on david at some point
- I don't know if he necessarily had a crush on Todd but he influences a huge part of who michael is he definitely likes him as more than a friend (not that michael will ever admit that)
- I was talking with a friend about if Dwight/Ryan were dating and just the dynamic of that and how michael would react
"You two shouldn't be together!!" He goes on this whole rant and tries to rally the office to his cause (which they don't) and he gets like so close to figuring out that he likes Ryan before he just let's it go
Not really relevant to headcanons just wanted to air that out lol
Jim Halpert
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- cis, honestly my gender hc for him switches a lot sometimes he's transmasc sometimes he's just cis whatever I feel fits in the moment tbh
- he/they, if someone asked him for his pronouns he'd probably only say he/him but I don't think he'd mind they/them too but again this changes for me too
- bi, in my brain it works
Also someone on twitter made a really strong case and they were talking about how ooc the thing Jim was keeping from Pam could've been him coming out as bi which I think would be a really cute concept
- I think Kelly helped him figure out he was bi as they are besties (I will make them besties trust)
- he has some freaky frenemies with benefits thing going on with dwight (with the consent of Pam ofc)
With that I'd say he's also ambiamorous he doesn't label himself as that but that's how I'd describe it
- he kissed ryan at a christmas party once
Kevin Malone
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- cis, honestly can be pretty flexible with this I think it's fun to play around with transfem Kevin but not that realistic in canon
- I don't think he'd care much for pronouns but I personally really like he/she Kevin I think someone would accidentally use she/her and on him and she'd just go to Oscar like "wait you can use she/her without being a girl??" And that is his gender awakening basically
Oh also I think Kelly introduces to him to neos and he ends up liking cloud/clouds
- straight I don't know I can't see him liking men
- maybe has adhd??
- Angela and Oscar are the first people he goes to for everything (they ARE found family)
Ryan Howard
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- you could hc him as any gender and I'd say yes but I'll just say transmasc, though I usually like genderfluid and nonbinary to describe him as well
- he/they/xe, kelly introduced him to neopronouns obviously my chronically online queer queen
- gay??? ace too?? Idrk he's super in the closet though
- he has kissed michael before and freaked out bc he didn't hate it
- Definitely had something romantic with Gabe
Pam Beesly-Halpert
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- cis, though I'm not super solid on this though
- she/they, I think she'd make an extra effort as office administrator to make people wear pronoun pins and/or pronouns on their nametags so that they could be normalized in the workplace. Also in general I think she realizes there are a good amount of people who don't just use she/her and he/him so she wanted to be more inclusive. She is the hugest ally in the office.
- sapphic, kelly helped pam discover the term sapphic but she definitely had her awakening with Katy/Karen
Like she knows she definitely likes Jim but then she spends time with his partners and she's just like "wait am I jealous of her or jim?"
- while jim/dwight are fucking Pam and Angela also have a similar frenemies with benefits situation
With the consent of Jim obviously
(She is ambiamorous and labels herself as such)
- she's also autistic bc yes
Dwight Schrute
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- transmasc and agender. I don't think he fully identifies as agender he simply just could care less about it's gender.
When explaining that to kelly (bc yes she is who everyone goes to when they're questioning their identity bc they've tried to talk to toby but he was so useless he basically defers everyone to kelly (also oscar will not answer those questions bc he can't be bothered)) she basically is like "so you're agender?" and it's just like "no I'm trying to tell you I have no gender!" "Dwight no-"
- it/he in professional settings it only uses he/him but like pam, angela, and Jim know he uses it/it's
Eventually everyone else figures out and they're just like "I've been using it/it's on him for years!"
- demiro; I think he very clearly falls for someone sexually very fast and will be like lowkey obsessed but it takes him awhile to actually fall for people romantically. I also sometimes hc him as nebularomantic since he is technically supposed to be autistic?? At least I hc it as autistic-
- pan, just makes sense to me 🤷
- polyamorous, as he's dating Angela he is also sleeping with Jim (with Angela's consent obvs)
Andy Bernard
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- cis, I can't really imagine him as anything else sorry
- he/him and he's also a pretty big trans ally and he takes pronouns very seriously. He went to Cornell so he knows his english or whatever. He Will call people out when they hate on pronouns and use "I/We/Me" in the post.
- realistically? Bicurious
In my headcanon? Gay but so so deep in closet (it is glass though) due to his upbringing he has unfortunately repressed it just so much.
- had crushes on Oscar, Darryl, and Jim at some point, he would never admit these were crushes though.
- oh he's also autistic
Kelly Kapoor
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- cis, though sometimes I transfem her
- she/her
- realistically bi but in my heart of hearts she's a lesbian with comphet
- she's dating Erin
- she's autistics with a special interest in fashion and celebrities
Oscar Martinez
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- cis, not a hater of trans Oscar but I fear I can't see him as anything other than cis 🥲
- he/him, he also would get into arguments over pronouns and he would own the average transphobe by saying "actually-"
- gay (canon)
- autistic in my heart of hearts
- he refuses to catch feelings out of fear of rejection
- bc of this Andy has to be the one to confess first which is hard for both of them
Sigh gay men 😔
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 2 months ago
New Year's Surprise
Jim Halpert x gn!Reader
Summary: A revelation strikes at the worst time ever- right before the exciting New Year's party that no one in the office can stop talking about. However, a little plan or two might turn this into a night to remember.
A/N: No warnings for this one! I took a few days to write it, I hope the ending doesn't seem rushed! This is definitely a little smaller than the last few works of mine, but I hope you all enjoy!
[Find my xReader Masterlist here!]
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You weren't sure what started this line of thinking- that maybe Michael had said something to spark the first thought, or perhaps Dwight with his over-enthusiastic sharing of his theories and thought processes. Whatever it was, you were taken so aback by the sudden thought- and the following realisation- that it completely threw you off your game for the rest of the day. At least it had been after lunch, so there were only a few hours left of the day anyway. Practically over. Practically.
"Hey," A tap on your desk from a pencil disturbs your thoughts, causing you to jump, turning your gaze to your left where Jim has his hand extended toward you, pencil in hand to lengthen his reach. His small smile grows larger with mirth as you suddenly realize you're staring at him with wide eyes. You clear your throat, blinking a few times to reset your eyelids, shoving a smile on although you realize it's too late to save yourself.
"Yes?" You whisper over, throwing a glance toward Dwight who seems to shift in annoyance to the sound of your voice. You roll your eyes, looking back toward Jim. He's still smiling with mirth, though he takes his pencil back and begins to spin it with both hands.
"You seemed zoned out, just wanted to make sure you were okay. You never jump like that, what's up?" You can see him trying to play it off, the concern that he feels for you. You suck in a breath, repeating inside your head, 'Just friends, just friends...'
"Yeah," You respond a beat too late, forcing an awkward laugh and shaking your head, looking away from his intoxicating gaze. You try to focus your attention on your work, and when that doesn't happen you just let yourself look like you are. After another short moment there are a few more taps from his pencil, and you glance over at him with a small questioning smile.
"What are you thinking about?" Jim whispers over, a small matching smile on his face that doesn't quite reach his eyes. He was still worried.
"Really Jim?" Dwight scoffs loudly, interrupting the entire office as you watch them shuffle in their chairs, looking annoyed. "You are going to start up a personal conversation on company time?" Jim leans back slowly as he speaks, blowing a raspberry and glancing at Dwight with a side-eye. "Stop flirting with your coworker and get back to work." Dwight scoffs again, lowering his gaze to the two papers he's holding outward and looking between, as if playing a 'find the difference' game.
Jim sighs, softly and not to make a show of it, but just privately to himself. He sits back up, shooting you one last smile before turning back to his computer. You turn away, swallowing roughly around a sudden lump in your throat. 'Stop flirting,' He had said, as if Jim would ever do such a thing. Although now that you think on it, that saying had been a commonplace occurrence for as long as you'd worked here, which was less than a year but still a rather long time.
He said it often enough, and you'd always just scoffed it off and moved on. As if it had meant nothing. Was he telling the truth this whole time? You remembered Jim putting up more of a fight about it in the beginning, as if defending himself or his actions, or maybe trying to make sure you were comfortable. But you hadn't minded it back then when you were so sure that nothing of the sort was happening, and it didn't matter. Except, it matters now. It matters a lot.
How did you not know you were in love with Jim Halpert?
Just one more hour left and you could go home and have a proper freak-out about it before deciding what it was you planned to do. You clicked a few times on your computer, acting as if you knew what you were doing while lost in thought. A door opening catches your attention from the corner of your eye, and you watch the party planning committee walk out of the conference room, all in varying states of annoyance or exhaustion. Pam and Phyllis both walk in your direction, Pam heading behind you to her desk as Phyllis stops next to Jim's desk, facing you.
"Hey," You turn in your chair to face her better with a questioning look, watching as she tries to turn her attention to your entire desk group, involving Jim and Dwight, but mostly focusing back on you. "You all are planning to come to the party tonight, right?"
You freeze in place, eyes widening as you glance toward Jim and back to her. Even from your quick glance, you notice Jim freeze similarly and wonder if it was because he had forgotten as well. His hand was frozen from its usual tapping, although he kept his attention focused on his computer, his head resting in his other hand. You could see Dwight turn his attention behind him from the corner of your eye before facing Phyllis again and scoffing.
"Yes," Dwight answers with a huff, shaking his head, "But not because of you Phyllis. Duh." Phyllis just rolls her eyes, keeping her attention on you. You hear more than see Dwight push himself to a stand, his rolling chair creaking as he does so, before he wanders off toward the break room area. You take in a breath, turning your attention down toward your desk.
"Oh, I don't know," You begin, and three different people begin to speak simultaneously:
"Well, why not? Perhaps I could help in some way-" Was Phyllis' response, very calm and matter-of-fact, pressing a hand to your shoulder to try to gain your attention.
"What!" Was screamed from behind you before Pam scurries up to your right side, grasping your other arm firmly. "You have to come! I've just spent all day putting up with Angela for this!"
"You're not going?" Jim's voice had said, underneath the din of the other two. You turn your attention to him through the noise, watching as a disappointed expression is quickly dropped away at your look for a more neutral expression. You watch him swallow roughly, though he's unable to draw his eyes away from you.
You had completely forgotten about the New Year's party in your sudden revelation. You just need time to figure things out still, right? Except, it's pretty obvious you have feelings for him. That's not going to go away with just one night's rest. Even staring at him now, the image of that disappointment was burned into your memory. You could see him slowly leaning back as if he'd given up on something important to him. Was he wanting to spend the night with you? Had he a prank planned he wanted you involved in? Whatever the reason…
"Uh- I mean," You glance up toward Phyllis, then to your other side to smile at Pam. "If it's that important to you all, then sure." Phyllis smiles smugly, patting your arm before turning to walk away, patting Jim's shoulder in turn. At the same time, Pam loosened her grip drastically on your arm, and you turned your attention back to her. She sighs, letting go fully before play-slapping your arm.
"Don't scare me like that!"
"Sorry," You huff a laugh, shrugging. "I just forgot about the party." She continues to stare at you, then slowly narrows her eyes. You scramble, you're unsure why, to come up with a different excuse. "And I'm just really tired, honestly. I was looking forward to collapsing in bed." She huffs a sigh, shaking her head.
"Well, the amount of bullshit I had to put up with from Angela to make this a night to remember-" She continues to mumble to herself as she walks away, moving back to the receptionist desk behind you. You slowly turn your attention back to your computer screen, the useless form up on the screen flashing with the edit symbol to appear as though you were working still flickering on the old monitor.
Tap tap tap
You look back to the left, smiling with mirth at Jim's once-again extended arm, pencil in hand to elongate an otherwise already long-enough reach. He smiles slowly back, but the worry is etched on his face like it was not too long ago when he did the same thing.
"If you're tired you can go home, you know. Don't let them pressure you into staying." Warmth fills your chest from his words, even the tone of his voice making it evident he cares about you and your health. You move your hand from your keyboard and rest it against his hand next to you, squeezing and feeling his skin underneath yours. You take in a slow breath, feeling more feelings than you know what to do with just from the touch of his hand. How had you not known you liked him before?
"It's okay, Jim. I'm sure I'll wake up more as I'm up and moving around." Jim drops the pencil in his hand, turning it over to grasp yours back, rubbing a thumb against the underside of your wrist. You watch him swallow roughly and nod, and he's just about to pull his hand away as you tighten your grip, leaning in. He doesn't need to lean in any further, already practically hanging over his desk already. "Was there something planned, though?"
Jim's eyes widen in- what you could only call fright. You worry for a moment before he coughs out a laugh, forcing a smile on his face. "What? Planned- like what?" You shake your head in confusion, a small amused smile on your own face.
"Like… a prank? You seemed disappointed when I said I wouldn't go. I thought maybe-?"
"Oh!" He huffs a relieved laugh, nodding quickly and fidgeting his fingers under your hand. "Yeah! Yeah, absolutely, I just-" He glances around quickly, smirking at you playfully. "We can't talk about it here though, you know? Don't want anybody to overhear."
"Oh, of course," You mumble with a laugh, finally leaning back and reluctantly taking your hand out of his hold. You shoot him a conspiratorial wink, turning your attention back toward your computer so you can begin to berate yourself in your mind. 'A wink? Really?'
You glance up at the clock in time to see Dwight exiting the break room rather suspiciously, glancing to and fro, followed shortly thereafter by Angela. You raise an eyebrow but don't deign to say anything, instead taking the chance to notice the time left before the end of the shift. Although, you suppose watching the clock doesn't really matter anymore since you already agreed to go to the party after work. At least you'd have time to go home and get dressed up before returning. Maybe then you'd have time to have a proper freak-out.
You notice, right then as you're staring into space having these thoughts, that Phyllis and Angela are gathering their things as if done for the day. You spin around in your chair quickly, noticing Pam packing up and slinging her jacket over her shoulder. Panic spikes in your chest- you thought you'd have more time to single her out for a much-needed conversation- before the adrenaline pushes you out of your chair and toward the receptionist's desk. She looks up with a question in her eyes but a smile on her lips and you breathe out slowly, glancing behind you to make sure Jim isn't paying attention before leaning in toward her.
"Pam, just a second. I need to talk to you, if you have time." You fidget with your hands, picking at your nails as you resist the urge to look behind yourself once again. Pam seems to do it for you, glancing over your shoulder at who could only be Jim, then back at you, her smile softening.
"Well, I really need to get started decorating, we have a lot-"
"I figured something out, and I really need to talk about it." Pam huffs a soft laugh, shaking her head as she moves her bag to her other hand, shuffling her feet. Angela calls out to her angrily as she passes by, asking her if she's coming and Pam waves her off, turning toward you.
"Alright, but quick. What is it you figured out?" You glance around once more before circling her desk to take her arm, dragging her out of the double doors behind Angela and Phyllis. You'd expected to see the both of them there, but they weren't anywhere to be found. You furrow your brow and look around again, but Pam's voice speaks up, "They're going up to the roof to start setting up. That's where the party is being held."
"Oh," You hesitate, glancing at the door to the stairs before sighing again, facing Pam with a grave expression. "It's about Jim." Suddenly the content look in Pam's eyes vanishes, and she becomes extremely serious, leaning toward you with a look you can't quite comprehend in her eyes.
"What, uh," She huffs out a laugh as if trying to minimize the seriousness of this conversation, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "What did you find out about Jim?" You stare at her for a few beats too long- you know you should really let her go set up for the party, especially after she said she fought with Angela about it all- but it was taking all of your strength just to say it all aloud.
"I just," Your mouth opens and closes, huffing out a small sigh and trying again, "I think I might be in love with Jim." You stare at her, willing her to do or say something that isn't just a burst of laughter or 'give up,' but she does none of the sort. She continues to just stand there, staring back at you with a serious expression. Eventually, just lowers her eyes, then gently, as if coaxing a wild animal, places her hand on your forearm.
"And," She looks back upward, meeting your eyes, "What are you going to do about it?" You blink a few times, startled.
"I- I don't know," You huff out, exasperated. "Pine for two years?" She huffs out a laugh, rolling her eyes. She mumbles something under her breath but you don't quite hear it, furrowing your brow and leaning in further. You could've sworn you heard something like 'made for each other,' but that didn't make any sense. "What was that?" She tightens her grip on your arm, pulling you even closer in.
"Look," She studies your eyes for a moment, as if making sure you're paying attention even though you wouldn't dare to look away. "This might be a revelation for you, but it's not for me. You've been pretty obvious in your affection for him-" You open your mouth to interrupt, but she gives you a sharp glare so you think better of it, "And at this point, there's nothing to lose." It takes you a moment to understand what she's saying, then you can feel your eyes bug out as you widen them in fright.
"You mean, tell him?"
"Yes," Pam answers matter-of-fact, letting go of your arm and hoisting her bag up onto her shoulder. "Tell him." You stand there gaping once again, and she sighs, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Go home after work, have a freak-out or whatever you need to do, then get dressed up for the party. Once you're ready, come back here, and let him know how you feel. What's the worst that could happen?"
"The- the worst?" You scoff, shaking your head, "He tells me he not only doesn't feel the same way, but I make it so awkward he has to transfer out of the branch and I never see him again!" Pam scoffs, shaking her head with a laugh and a flick of her wrist.
"That would never happen."
"Just-" She huffs, taking a look behind her at the doorway to the stairwell, then back to you with an expression that shows she's in a hurry. "Maybe you don't have to go so far as to say you're in love with him. Maybe…" She looks off into space, then slowly smiles as if coming up with a brilliant plan. She looks back up toward you, nodding. "How about a kiss at midnight? If he doesn't feel the same way, you can play it off as just a kiss between friends on New Year's. And if he does, then you'll know." You can feel your shoulders relaxing, the whole plan that Pam laid out for you starting to make more and more sense.
"Freak-out at home, kiss at midnight. If he doesn't feel the same, just play it off…" You blow out a raspberry, looking back up at her with a worried expression. "It sounds like it might work."
"Of course it'll work," Pam mumbles, rolling her eyes. "Now I really need to get going before Angela hides my decorations." She rushes away, pushing through the door to the stairwell as you tilt your head, your brow furrowing in confusion.
You wonder why Angela wouldn't approve of Pam's decoration choices, then nod your head as you realize, well, it's Angela. You spin on your feet, facing the double doors back into the office with apprehension. You pick at your nails again nervously, biting your lip. It's just another hour, you can do this. Everything will be completely fine. You slowly make your way back inside, shooting a smile at Jim who immediately looks up to you as you enter. You feel warmed when he smiles back, watching you take your seat again.
He doesn't bring it up, for some reason, your little escapade with Pam. He seems distracted though, either with work or messaging someone, and you begin to wonder if it's really a good idea after all. Once the end of the shift comes, you murmur a quiet goodbye to Jim and a 'see you later,' as you wander toward the elevator. He comes out after you, though heads to the stairwell where you notice Pam- sans bag- is standing there looking exasperated.
"It's not my fault you told them-!" Pam begins, but Jim shushes her with a look toward you, pulling the stairwell door closed. You keep your eyes on the elevator, watching the numbers increase as it makes its way to your floor, but you're distracted trying your best to listen in. The most you could make out was that it was about some sort of prank- Oh! The prank that he had mentioned he wanted to do during the party. You'd already forgotten about that. You hoped it wouldn't be happening at midnight, since that would make performing your plan rather hard.
You step onto the elevator as it dings, not bothering to give one last look in their direction as you figured you'd see them again soon enough. The ride home was tense between you and your own thoughts, and once you got home you gave yourself enough time to have a proper freak-out about your newfound feelings. Although, what Pam said swirled in your mind over and over. She could tell that you've had feelings for him for awhile? Honestly, the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. He could always make you laugh, and he was always there when you needed him. He knew when to stop joking around, and when you needed that more than anything else. He was always worried about you, hanging out with you- you two were best friends at this point. And what better partner than a best friend?
You spent an abnormally long time picking out what you'd like to wear for the evening, settling on something you'd consider business formal since this was still a work event. Then you spent another hour sitting in front of your TV- on the edge of your seat and tense since you didn't want to wrinkle your clothes- trying to relax by watching some TV. Even Chandler Bing couldn't get you to laugh and loosen up enough before your alarm went off. You jumped up, turning everything off before heading out of the door into the night, driving right back from whence you came.
You looked to be early- although a few cars still littered the parking lot. The building was locked when you tried it, but you watched as Phyllis rounded the corner, laughing at something Bob Vance must've said. They were the picture of love, staring at each other with heart eyes and broad smiles. You wonder absently whether you look that way toward Jim all the time, then worry if perhaps he already knew about your feelings for him. You don't have time to dwell on those thoughts, as once Phyllis catches sight of you, she waves you over right before hanging a sign on the wall. She informs you, very cheerily, that the fire escape would be the way up to the party, and you take note of the signs stating much the same.
You take your time climbing the rickety fire escape, the stairs groaning under your feet as you go. You knew the party planning committee likely hadn't left work since starting their setup, so you expect to find Pam here. But you remember seeing, and parking next to, Jim's own car as well. You begin to wonder if he'd even left work, but as you take the last step onto the roof you realize he must've. He was dressed in a nicely pressed black suit, his hair combed back with a nice bowtie instead of the usual tie he wore during work. You're stunned, standing there and admiring him, without even realizing that he's speaking quickly to Pam, as if nervous, while holding something odd in his hand.
Pam's eyes on you jumpstart your feet, and you finally begin to approach the duo. You look down at the long yellow object in his hand, clearing your throat to interrupt. "I wasn't expecting to see a 'wet floor' sign up here, Halpert?" Jim jumps, turning toward you with wide eyes, which scan you up and down. You fidget slightly in place, hoping he also liked what he saw. "Is that something to do with the prank?'
"What?" His mouth is hanging open slightly as he studies you again, his eyes raking your form. It takes two nudges from Pam, the second one physically moving him, before he jumps and quickly looks down at his own hands as if forgetting he had been holding it. "Oh!" He laughs, turning back to you with an awkward smile. "Yeah, yeah, I," He clears his throat, shrugging, "Well, I figured we could set this down near the punch or something and watch as people try to tip-toe around it for a drink." You blink for a few moments, furrowing your brow.
"That's… A rather lame prank, isn't it?" You murmur, tilting your head. You glance down pointedly at the large gravel under your feet, there specifically to make sure the roof doesn't get slippery and cause a hazard to anyone who is supposed to be up here (which you were pretty sure none of you were). You hadn't noticed when Pam walked away, but she suddenly isn't around anymore and you take another step closer to Jim, not quite realizing how cold the night would be. Jim laughs awkwardly, raising a hand to rub the back of his head before thinking better of it with his styled hair, lowering his arm back down just as awkwardly.
"Yeah," Jim agrees quietly, taking his own little step toward you, "It really is, isn't it?" He bites his lip for a moment and you track the movement, studying his lips with the intensity only given to those who wanted to kiss them. You try to drag your eyes away, and eventually meet Jim's eye line again. "I'll be honest, though, I didn't really have a prank planned."
"No," Jim whispers, looking down at the sign in his hand again before scanning the area, taking a few steps to the side to lean it against a table before skipping his way back over to you. "I just panicked and agreed with you, I thought it was something you'd wanted." You laugh, tilting your head to the side.
"I only want to spend the night with you Jim, prank or no prank." You watch him freeze, his eyes widening for a moment before a brilliant smile lights up his face, and he reaches down to take your hand in his.
"I feel the same way," Jim whispers back, laughing softly at the irony. You both smile at each other, eyes locked, until a loud crash jolts the two of you apart. You both look toward the sound, where the fire escape stands, and watch as Dwight stumbles up the stairs, tripping once more before standing straight up. He fixes his coat- he seems to be wearing much the same thing as Jim except he's added a top hat to the ensemble- and then begins to walk off as if nothing happened. You and Jim both look at each other and burst out laughing, leaning against each other to hold yourselves up.
"I've got a fantastic idea, actually," You mumble to him with a smile, rushing for the wet floor sign. You both spend the next couple of hours chasing Dwight around the party, placing the wet floor sign behind or around him at different points. At first, the man takes it very seriously, tip-toeing around just as Jim had mentioned wanting to watch. Then, you both could see Dwight getting rather suspicious, inspecting the floor for water to the point where he even dropped to the floor onto his stomach, inspecting very closely. You both were hidden around the corner as he began to yell about how workplace safety isn't a joke, but managed to snag the sign without him noticing before he went to grab it and put it away.
Jim insists on continuing even further once you suggest putting it away finally, and you let him do as he wants, watching in amusement. He begins to place it in ways that seem as though the sign is following Dwight around, and he even goes as far as to put googly eyes on the sign itself. You laugh as Dwight takes the bait, assuming the sign is stalking him, and laugh even harder when Jim cuts out eyebrows from black construction paper and pastes them onto the sign to make it look angry. The moment Dwight sees this, he begins to 'fight' the object- and begins to lose as he falls onto his back and gravity makes the sign fall on top of him, his flailing making the sign tangle with his limbs.
You and Jim have to hide behind some decorations to keep from disturbing the peace from laughing so hard. You fall against each other, leaning on one another and taking deep breaths to calm yourselves. Noise begins to pick up from around the corner at the party, and you peek around to find out why. You spy Angela helping Dwight up off of the ground, however most of the other people are circling around the large digital clock that was set up in the middle of the party. The time was blinking every second, and you noticed it was cutting it close to midnight.
"Oh!" You reach back, slapping at Jim's arm to get his attention. He sucks in a breath, trying to calm the last of his giggles.
"Yeah? Dwight fall over again?" He laughs once more at the mental image of that, and you chuckle blandly before shaking your head, turning to face him and smacking at his arm once more.
"No, Jim," You chuckle, shaking your head as you wait for him to pay attention. "It's getting close to time!" He looks at you confused for a moment, wiping a tear from his eye before he finally realizes. His eyes widen, and he circles around as well, peeking his head out and reaching to grab ahold of your arm.
"Wait, it is! We need to get out there!" He looks toward you with a grin, pulling gently on your arm. "C'mon!" You laugh and nod, coming along easily enough that he drops his grip from your arm, sliding down and tangling his hand with yours. You both run out into the rest of the party, intermingling yourselves into the crowd. There are much more people here, you realize now, than that actually work at Dunder Mifflin. Either from your coworkers bringing dates or family, to perhaps even other workers from different companies in your office building deciding to join in on the fun. You could spot a few people that work in the distribution center down below, as well as a few friends or coworkers of Bob Vance at Vance Refrigeration. You tighten your hold on Jim, not wanting to get separated in the crowd, but also enjoying the ironic privacy you got from being surrounded by such a large group of people.
You turn to face Jim, who is staring up at the clock and watching the time tick down. You can see him glance around surreptitiously before turning to face you, startling at the fact that you're already staring up at him.
He reaches down, taking your other hand in his. He's bumped from behind, closing the distance between you until you're not sure if you're completely pressed against each other or if it just feels like it from the pounding of your heart.
You're staring into each other's eyes, and it feels like everything and nothing at the same time. Was this a mistake? Was this the best thing you could ever do? Your mind is running a million miles an hour and you suddenly take note of the fact that neither of you are counting down along with the crowd- which is such a weird thing to notice at this time. You'd much prefer to notice how the fairy lights surrounding you glimmer against Jim's eyelashes, or how he seems to be leaning slowly closer to you.
You both lean in, bumping against each other from the rush and laughing before slotting your mouths together in a kiss that you both initiate. You weren't expecting him to reciprocate, let alone to try and start a kiss like you had done. You feel him loosen his grip on one of your hands, using his now free hand to pull you in closer. Your kiss deepens and continues long past everyone's cheering and congratulating of the New Year, and by the time you both pull away you're panting for breath. You assume you have a matching smile to Jim's wide one, staring into each other's eyes.
You both look up quickly, eyes wide as colours burst across the sky. Fireworks light the air, and you wrap your arms around Jim, leaning against him as you stare at the fantastic colours exploding above the both of you. It's hard to hear anything over the cheers and the crackle of explosives, but you feel the beating of Jim's heart against his chest and you feel more content than you have in awhile. The show lasts a good few minutes, and once it's all over you remain standing there, leaning against Jim, his arms encircling you. You finally direct your attention back at him, and find that he's already staring right back at you.
"I think this New Year is going to be everything I ever hoped it would be," Jim whispers, leaning down to press a chaste kiss on your forehead. Your smile widens, and you quickly turn up your face to press your lips against his once again.
"I couldn't agree more."
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mamaestapa · 2 years ago
Our Little Peanut|| Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•requested by: @techno54
•summary: Sweet moments with Joe during your pregnancy with Josie (Prequel to Welcome Home)
•warnings: pregnancy, morning sickness, crying, mentions of sex, lots of fluff
6 weeks (finding out)
You were sitting on the couch watching reruns of The Office and waiting for Joe to get home from the grocery store.
You planned on cleaning up the house today since Joe’s parents and older brothers were coming over for a barbecue with the two of you and your parents. However you didn’t get much cleaning done while Joe was gone because you were exhausted.
You don’t know what you did to make yourself this tired. All you’ve done the past couple days is lay around as you were recovering from a migraine that had you waking up every morning for the past week extremely nauseous.
You were watching the episode where Pam is pregnant and throws up as Dwight eats his hard boiled eggs because her stomach is sensitive to the smell.
That’s when it hit you. Could you be pregnant?!
You and Joe have been married for a year now. The two of you weren’t trying to get pregnant, but you weren’t necessarily doing anything to prevent it either. You both agreed that if it happens, it happens. Whenever Baby Burrow was ready to come into your lives, you were ready.
You got up from the couch and went upstairs to yours and Joes bathroom. You kept pregnancy tests in the bottom right drawer, just to keep around in case you found yourself in a situation like this. You pulled one of the plastic tests from its wrapper and did your business. Once you were done, you put the test face down on the counter and waited
It felt like the longest three minutes of your life. With shaky hands, you picked the test up. You dropped the test as your mouth gaped open in disbelief.
Two dark pink lines were in the circle. You’re Pregnant.
Tears instantly welled in your eyes as you picked the test back up and stared at it. You couldn’t stop shaking as you held the test. As you were standing in the bathroom in disbelief, you heard the front door close and Joe calling out for you.
“Hey baby, I’m home!”
You gulped, trying to control your voice but you failed miserably. “Up here!” you called shakily. Joe dropped the bags on the counter and practically sprinted up the stairs at the sound of your uneasy voice. He walked into the bathroom and frowned as he saw your Y/e/c eyes full of tears.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He gently grabbed your hand and pulled you against his chest, cradling your head as the tears in your eyes poured over. You pulled away, sniffling. Joe’s blue eyes were full of concern as he scanned your face. You pulled away from him and picked up the test from the counter. You held it up to him, not saying anything and waiting to see his response. His eyes widened as he saw the pink lines.
“Are you serious?”
You nodded, more tears welling up in your eyes. Joe laughed in disbelief and pulled you into a tight embrace. You wrapped your arms around his body and squeezed him gently. He kissed the top of your head and pulled away from you, holding your forearms.
“Are you happy?” You asked, fearing that maybe Joe wasn’t excited about this.
“Happy?” he grinned widely, “sweetheart I’m ecstatic.“
A wide grin made its way onto your face as you wrapped your arms around your husbands neck. His arms wrapped around your waist, squeezing you gently. You pulled away from echother and Joe leaned down to give you a loving and passionate kiss.
“I love you so much.” you said, gazing at Joe with complete adoration.
Joe hummed, “I love you so much too.” He placed his hand on your tummy. Even though there was no bump, there was still a baby. “And I love you Baby Burrow.”
10 weeks (morning sickness)
You rolled out of Joes grasp for the third time in the last hour, sprinting to the bathroom. Joe usually wasn’t a light sleeper, but he has been the last couple weeks. Every time you woke up from morning sickness, Joe was right there with you rubbing your back and holding your hair. Joe frowned and followed you into the bathroom.
You retched into the toilet bowl emptying out your stomach, which you were positive had to be completely empty by how much throwing up you’ve been doing. You groaned into the porcelain bowl as Joe rubbed your back, trying his best to soothe you as you heaved. You picked your head up from the toilet and wiped your mouth.
“I hate this.” You said, frowning as you looked over at Joe who was sitting on the edge of the bathtub.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He said softly as he continued to rub your back “But, look on the bright side,” he said, a smile growing on his face, “We’re bringing a baby into this world. It may suck right now, but all of this sickness will be worth it in the end.” He stood from the bathtub and bent down to place a soft kiss on your head, “Trust me.”
You smiled slightly, knowing deep down that he was right. The morning sickness does suck, but you know it’ll be over in a few weeks and it will definitely be worth it in the end.
12 weeks (the bump starts to show)
You were getting ready to go to Joes parents house for the day. His family enjoyed doing family barbecues and get togethers over the summer before Joe started training camp.
You got out of the shower and dried yourself off. Once your body was dry you blow dried your hair, giving your Y/h/c hair a blowout that looked perfect for the summer. You did your usual summer makeup routine before finally slipping into your sundress. As you put the dress on, you noticed it fit a little snug around your belly. You turned to the side, flattening out the dress and looking into the mirror. A wide grin pulled at your lips as you saw your reflection.
You had been experiencing what they call “baby bloat” for the last couple weeks, but this wasn’t bloat anymore.
Your bump had finally started to show.
“Joe!” You called out, excited for him to see what you were seeing.
“What?” He yelled out from the walk in closet, walking toward the bathroom with his gray jeans and white t-shirt in hand. He walked into the bathroom, tone laced with concern as he asked, “What’s wrong?”
You looked up at him and flattened out your dress, causing the small bump to show once again.
Joe smiled, “Well look at that,” he said in awe, “Peanuts finally making its appearance.”
Joe chuckled, “Yeah. I figured the baby needs a nickname, we can’t keep calling it Baby Burrow. Plus, I think peanut is a cute nickname.”
You smiled, reaching out for Joes hands, “I think peanut is the perfect nickname.”
Joe smiled and leaned down on one knee, his hands hovering over your tummy. He looked up at you, blue eyes pleading to let him touch your bump. You giggled and grabbed his hands, putting them on either side of your small bump.
“You don’t have to ask to touch it, Joey.”
Joe just looked at your bump in awe. He still couldn’t believe the two of your were going to be parents. Seeing your small bump for the first time though really made things feel real for him. He brought his lips close to your tummy.
“Hi peanut, it’s your daddy. I know you probably can’t hear me yet, but that’s OK. I just want to tell you that I love you so much already and I can’t wait to meet you. Be good to your mommy, okay? She’s working hard to keep you safe and sound in there. Can you promise me you’ll be good in there and not cause too much trouble for her?”
Your stomach growled making both you and Joe chuckle. Your morning sickness has passed and your appetite is now ten times greater than it was before, so you and the baby are always up to eating.
“I think that’s a yes.” Joe said, smirking up at you. You giggled and put your hands on top of Joes head, playing with his dark blonde locks as he finished chatting with your baby. He placed a soft kiss above your belly button before he stood back up to give your lips the same kiss.
You hummed into the kiss, bringing your hand up to his cheek. He pulled away and put his forehead against yours.
“I love you so much, Y/n. You’re going to be the best mama to our baby,” he said, placing a hand on your belly.
You smiled up at him, placing your own hand over his. “And we love you too, Joe. You’re already the best daddy to our little peanut.”
Joe swore he felt his heart swell when you said those words. Our little peanut.
He couldn’t wait for the moment where he holds his son or daughter for the first time. But for now, he’s content with getting to hold your small bump instead.
20 weeks (gender reveal)
“What do you think Baby Burrow is Y/n?” Morgan asked as she handed you the confetti popper for the big reveal.
“I think it’s a boy.” You smile, taking the popper into your hands
“I agree!” Sam shouted, giving you a nod and thumbs up. Ja’Marr held his drink up and said, “Y/n is never wrong, it’s a boy.”
You and Joe both smile at their reactions. Morgan nodded as she handed Joe the same popper, “I have to say I do agree. I think it’s a boy. What about you Joe?”
“Girl,” he said with a big smile, “I am confident it’s a girl.”
Robin, Joe’s mom nodded her head vigorously, “Me too!” she called out from where she was standing.
Morgan stepped back and gave you and Joe instructions for when to pop the confetti. The group of guests started counting down, you and Joe staring into each others eyes as you waited for them to get to one.
You and Joe twisted the poppers and pink confetti bursted into the air. Screaming and cheering erupted throughout the back yard of yours and Joes home.
You smiled and covered your mouth in shock. You thought for sure you were having a little boy. Joe dropped the popper and threw his hands up in the air grinning widely. He pulled you into a tight embrace, the two of you laughing and beaming with joy.
“We’re having a girl, babe!” Joe said, that wide grin staying on his face.
“I know,” you smiled, “I can’t believe it! We’re having a daughter.”
Joe put his hand on your growing belly, rubbing it gently. “Now I can finally say what I’ve been wanting to say for weeks now.”
You cocked your head to the side, “What’s that?”
Joe smiled down at you and planted a kiss to your forehead before he pulled back and said, “That I love my girls so much.”
24 weeks (first kick)
You were laying on the couch with Joe, catching up on Yellowstone. You were cuddling into his side with your hand resting on his stomach and drawing shapes on his clothed abdomen as your eyes were glued to the screen. Joe brought his hand down from behind his head and placed it on your belly, pressing gently into your skin.
You chuckled, and pulled his hand away, “What are you doing?”
He put his hand back to your bump and poked all around the swollen skin, “Tryin’ to get her to kick. Zac said it worked every time with his kids.”
You just watched with an amused look at Joe pushed on different spots of your belly, trying to get the baby girl to kick. Joe was obsessed with your bump, constantly having his hands on it as a way to comfort you and let his baby girl know he was there. You absolutely loved it.
His movements stopped and he placed his hand gently over your belly, waiting to feel a kick. Nothing. Joe frowned and tried again, you giggled at him as all of his focus was now on trying to get your baby to kick. You’ve been feeling little flutters and movements for the last couple weeks, but they were never large enough for someone else to feel. Joe was about to remove his hand from your belly when you felt a sudden jolt come from just to the right of your belly button.
Joe looked up at you a smile pulling at the corners of this mouth, “Did she just kick?”
You nodded, “I think your trick worked.”
You and Joe both had your hands placed over your belly, both of you waiting to feel your girls movement once again. About a minute later you felt that same jolt in the same spot.
“There it is.” Joe laughed, rubbing the spot she kicked with his thumb.
“That is the craziest feeling.” You laughed.
“It’s crazy, but it’s amazing.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss to the side of your bump. Joe swore he could feel his heart swell at the feeling of her little feet kicking his hand.
The rest of the night Joe couldn’t keep his hands off your tummy. He loved being able to talk to and feel his little girl move around in there. It was the best feeling in the world for both of you.
34 weeks (cravings)
You sat up in bed, looking down at Joe who was sound asleep next you. You watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath he took. Joe always looked so peaceful when he slept. You huffed out a sigh, wishing you could be sound asleep too. But your baby girl was keeping you wide awake. Her constant movements and multiple punches to your bladder have kept you up for most of the night. However, it was your late night cravings that made getting sleep nearly impossible.
You’ve tried to fall asleep, but you know you can’t until your cravings are satisfied. You look over at Joe and frown. You don’t want to wake him up, but you know in order for you to get any sleep tonight, you have to wake him. You brought you hand up to his chest, gently rubbing it and hoping it would wake him up. As soon as you started rubbing his chest, Joe stirred beneath your touch.
“Joey,” you whispered, “are you awake?”
He hummed and brought his hands up to his eyes, rubbing them. He knew exactly why you were up, but he still decided to ask.
“Y/n, sweetheart I love you, but,” he opened his eyes and glanced at the alarm clock. He groaned as he saw the time, “it is three in the morning. I have to go to an all day practice in five hours.”
You sighed and dropped your head down to his chest. You brought your head back up and frowned at him. He started to slowly stroke your cheek as you spoke.
“I know, I know. And I’m sorry I woke you up, but,” you sighed, “I really want french fries.”
Joe sighed and bit his lip before he responded.
“What if I bring you two large fries from McDonald’s after practice?”
You shook your head, “Mmm, I won’t want them by then.”
Joe sighed once again. He loved you and his baby girl more than life itself, but he desperately needed sleep.
You put your hands on his chest and pushed your lower lip out in a pout.
“Please? Don’t do it for me, do it for our little peanut. She’s the one that wants the fries so bad!”
Joe shook his head as he smiled at you. You always knew how to guilt trip him into getting things for you. He could never say no to you, especially when you bring up the baby.
“Fine,” he breathed out, “Only because I love my girls so much.”
You sat up in bed and clapped as you smiled happily. He got out of bed and slid on a pair of athletic shorts and some random t-shirt that sat on the dresser. He walked back over to the bed and put his hands on your belly and bent down to kiss you. You hummed into the kiss. Thankful for your husband and excited for your french fried.
He pulled away and smiled as he said, “I’ll be back in a bit.”
And about twenty minutes later, Joe walked back into the bedroom with a bag full of fresh McDonalds fries. He crawled back into bed and handed you the bag. You squealed happily as you pulled out the container of large fries. You shoved a handful of fries into your mouth, moaning at the delicious taste of the salty fries.
“You are the best.”
Joe smiled softly, “I try baby, I try.”
You smiled and picked up a fry, putting into Joe’s mouth, who gratefully accepted it.
You truly did get so lucky with Joe. He’s the best husband and you know he’s going to be the best dad too. As you finished your fries, you grabbed Joes hand and placed it on your bump. He instantly started to run his hand over it, bringing both you and your baby comfort.
“Peanut and I say thank you for the fries,” you smiled, putting your hand over his, “but we’re sorry for waking you up.”
Joe chuckled and moved further down on the bed so he was level with your tummy. He placed a soft kiss to your right side, earning a kick in return from his baby girl. He laid his face against your bump and closed his eyes.
“Anything for my girls.” He said with a content smile on his face.
Joe fell asleep with his arms wrapped around your waist and his head on your belly. You dozed off shortly after Joe and your baby girl was finally asleep too. You swore it was because she knew her daddy was asleep with his head laying right next to her.
You and Joe couldn’t wait to meet your baby girl. And you wouldn’t have to wait long because two weeks from today…your sweet Josie Lee Burrow was born.
hey loves!!
once again, i got SO carried away with this. i had so many ideas and the concept of dad joe is just too sweet<3
i hope you all enjoyed this! i have an update of welcome to the jungle coming this week, so stay tuned ;) but for now, enjoy this cute dad joe imagine
thank you for requesting this!!
hope everyone is well<33
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hewwokitti · 3 months ago
Hey cuties!!! Here’s a post about the future of this blog (no i am not leaving)
First i want to apologize for being so gone like completely silent gone. I have not been feeling OBX for a long time. As such, I will be making this a multi fandom blog. I have completely cleared my inbox due to the incident so if you requested something I have not done yet, feel free to request again and I will try to make sure that i get to them when im feeling like OBX
As for the fandoms I will be writing for: it will be these (i will make a pinned post after and make it all pretty)’
Reblogs appreciated <3
John B
Aemond Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Gwayne Hightower
Cregan Stark
The Office
Jim Halpert
Dwight Schrute
Ryan Howard
Abbott Elementary
Gregory Eddie
Janine Teagues
Melissa Schemmenti
The Walking Dead (until “The day will come when you wont be”)
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
The Governor
Shane Walsh
Abraham Ford
Maggie Greene
Rosita Espinosa
Carol Peletier
Beth Greene
Sasha WIlliams
Tara Chambler
Parks and Recreation
Ron Swanson
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
Ben Wyatt
Leslie Knope
Chris Traeger
Ann Perkins
Mark Brendanawicz
Cobra Kai
Young/Old Daniel LaRussio
Young/Old Johnny Lawrence
Amanda LaRusso
Robby Keene
Miguel Diaz
Tori Nichols
Samantha LaRusso
Eli/Hawk Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Luna Lovegood
Percy Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Matthew Riddle
Lorenzo Berkshire
Jasper Hale (romantic- all fics will be this pairing i cannot write anything else sorry)
Alice Cullen (platonic)
Carlisle Cullen (platonic)
Rosalie Hale (platonic)
Esme Cullen (platonic)
Emmett Cullen (platonic)
Edward Cullen (platonic)’
Only Winchester!reader up to Season 8 (im working on it)
The Umbrella Academy
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Singer!Actress!Reader verse
Tom Holland
Rudy Pankow
Ewan Mitchell
Pedro Pascal
Jeffery Dean Morgan
Pretty much any actor in the shows i have mentioned are fair game- ill let you know if i dont want to write for them.
Also generally reader! Being famous IE- interviews, award shows, red carpets
I will make a page on reader
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months ago
Can I have Dwight Hendrickson x Fem reader with the prompt "She tastes like the sunshine kissing me"?
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Tagging@ @kmc1989 @Atrxdixs @princesschyanne @words-and-seeds @cookiedoughmeagain
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Dwight works too hard, you know it, he knows it, hell the whole damn town knows it which is why you’re in his office, closing the door quietly behind you. He doesn’t glance up from the paperwork he’s reading, he’s too engrossed in reviewing the after action reports that have been growing on the corner of his desk over the last week.
He gets like this when he’s tired, hyper focused. He blocks out everything else around him so he can continue to process information in front of him.
You sigh as you gently tug the piece of paper from between his hands. He looks up at you dazed for a second before you slide into his lap. The pretty summer dress you’re wearing rides up just a little and Dwight feels his cock shifting to attention underneath the denim.
“Baby.” You say firmly. “You’re working too hard.”
“I just need  a few more hours…”
Your mouth covers his and the noise in his head just stops, that weight he carries, it disappears the way it always does when he’s with you. It feels like the first rays of sun after a long season of rain. His fingers tangle in your hair drawing you against him. You bite down on his bottom lip and something snaps, all that stress he’s been feeling, it erupts  and suddenly he’s kissing you like his life depends on it, like you’re the only woman in the entire world.
“Need you.” He mumbles against your mouth as his hand slips between the two of you unzipping his jeans. You raise to your feet, tugging off your panties as his dick springs out of the confines of his jeans. You lift up the fabric of your summer dress before you straddle his hips again, the tip of his dick brushing over your wetness.
“Alex, don’t tease me.” He murmurs, his thumb tracing over the apple of his cheek. “Not tonight alright?”
You smile against his mouth, your lips brushing over his as you slowly sink down onto his cock.
“Anything you say Chief.”
Love Dwight? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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rootsofdread · 2 years ago
Hi! Could i request Ace, Dwight, Deathslinger, Wraith and Spirit with an opposite role reader, whose life before the fog is almost identical to theirs, except for places, names and the outcome? Doesn't really matter if it's romantic or platonic, i'll take anythingggg
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Dwight Fairfield:
Dwight, honestly, was utterly shocked when he found out you were…normal before you were a killer. No, he knows most killers were relatively normal before they were taken here — but you were normal like he was normal. You worked an office job and had dismissive coworkers. You had to go to office parties where no one talked to you. No wonder you wanted to kill people. But in all honesty — he feels strangely comfortable with you. You’re someone he can relate to, there’s no one else really similar to him here, everyone else is far too interesting. He finds it a bit funny to try to chat with you like you’re both standing around the water cooler…even if he’s afraid it might get him killed for bringing back old memories.
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Ace Visconti:
Honestly, Ace can totally see how gambling lead to murder. He had his fair share of threats of knee-breaking, he knows at some point, someone in the same boat as him would’ve turned to murder to solve their problems. That’s not for him, but hey, each to their own. He’s more interested in sharing trade secrets with a fellow gambler, likelihoods, percentages, even ways to cheat. Even if he can’t exactly gamble as easily in the fog, it’s still his passion, and now he has you to share it with. Sometimes he likes to make little bets with you during your trials together, typically gambling with his life. He knows you enjoy a good game as much as he does.
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Philip Ojomo / The Wraith:
After learning you had gone through exactly what he’s been through, Philip could never bring himself to kill or even hurt you. He’d heard your story from another survivor under their breath, when he was skulking around behind them. He wasn’t sure what to do with the information, and he began avoiding you where he could so he didn’t have to hurt you. Plausible deniability, if he never saw you, he couldn’t very well sacrifice you. Sometimes, you caught his eyes while he was injuring or downing someone else, and you could tell he knew something about you — and you could tell that you had his sympathy. It takes him a while to want to get closer to you, but you know he loves you. You know he always feels safe around you.
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Rin Yamaoka / The Spirit:
Rin is not known for getting very close to other killers, let alone any of the survivors. She keeps to herself. She had heard your story from another killer — you were just like her. You were bullied and disdained by your family, too. She was never sure, exactly, how to approach you. She knows you're probably just as upset and angry as she is all the time, and she knows she doesn't like being approached. For a while, she just left you notes where she knew you'd see them, saying the two of you are kindred spirits, you're one in the same and she understands your pain. She seemed very happy when you came to her after exchanging notes to get to know her better.
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Caleb Quinn / The Deathslinger:
When Caleb hears that you were just like him before you were taken, a rough-and-tumble bounty hunter, he knows the two of you will get along perfectly. He had never paid you much attention before, but knowing you had lived a life of crime just like he did, and had someone you hated more than anything…he felt a sense of obligation to get to know you. He’s missed his posse for a long time, and you’re the first step to getting something like that back. He constantly sought you out and told you that you were welcome to come with him on his hunts. You two are almost never seen apart, always lounging around together and ranting about your arch-nemeses. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
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havenfanrewatch · 2 months ago
Haven season five here we go!
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Rewatch time!
I love this opening sequence with Vicky drawing the flowers to distract baby Aaron. (Though I can’t help but wonder what happens to that drawing afterwards, since it also shows the bandstand which would therefore be destroyed if something happens to that notebook.)
“That lighthouse just can’t catch a break” XD
Love the Teagues; “I got shot!” / “And I be more sympathetic, if you hadn’t been shooting at me!” XD - in amongst all the death and disaster there’s some funny moments in here. Like Duke’s quip about “operating a supernatural door using nothing but a vampire novel and a positive attitude”, and Gloria’s “ever wondered who needs more sleep, babies or old people.” Just some nice little sprinklings of humour to break up all the disasters befalling everyone.
But oh, poor Nathan. He thinks he’s found Audrey and then … No.
Gotta admire Stan’s commitment to rational explanations; “The lighthouse took the brunt of the earthquake.” - Earthquake, Stan? Really? How long have you been a police officer in Haven?
Cabot’s Journal high up on the list of props I’d like to get my hands on. Might not look quite so good in real life, I suppose, but it looks very convincing on screen.
How did Mara know it was Dwight behind her? She shoots him without even looking around.
Poor Duke, so worried about Jennifer and then having to realise the sewing Trouble came from him too. “Crockers’ve been killing for a long time.” *sobs”
Nathan’s stubborn faith that Audrey is still part of Mara (on the basis of basically no evidence) is really quite something.
And what a cliffhanger right at the end there with Nathan closing his eyes like he’s dying - I mean it wouldn’t be the first time, would it? Can’t imagine watching this when it first aired and having to wait a whole week to find out what happens next.
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madame-mortician · 7 months ago
FNAF in DBD concepts:
So we all probably heard that FNAF is officially Dead by Daylight's Anniversary chapter for next year, and it's all but confirmed that the killer will be Springtrap, but here are some other predictions and concepts I have. These likely aren't happening it would just be fun.
Springtrap - Vanny Visceral Skin
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Pretty self-explanatory. If Springtrap is the chapter's killer (which it most likely is) then Vanny would be a great visceral skin for him. I would say Legendary, but I feel like Vanny would have completely different animations to Springtrap due to not being a robot.
The Dredge - Mangle Legendary Skin
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I think this would go hard, as it would be a mess of wires with her main head being obviously the Toy Foxy head, whilst the rest of him would be a mangle of animatronic parts. I think something cool would be if instead of goopy noises, she made radio static noises and metallic sounds. He'd have to have more added wires and limbs to make up for Dredge's size but it doesn't have to be a 1-for-1 recreation anyway.
The Unknown - Michael/Ennard Legendary Skin
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This would go hard I think. It would be pretty similar to the Unknown's default design, just purple and more zombie-looking I guess. I think the Unknown works for this idea since it really gives the appearance of a non-human entity wearing human skin to appear humanoid, and that's more of less what Ennard was doing with Michael's rotting corpse. Maybe facially it could look somewhat similar to Josh Hutcherson but that's a bit of a stretch.
Dwight - Nightguard Inspired Costume
Usually, with big video game licenses like this, one of DBD's original survivors gets a skin, typically either Dwight or Feng. While I could see Feng decked out in a Chica cosplay or something of that sort, that seems a bit too out there I guess. I think it would make more sense to see Dwight in a FNAF-inspired outfit, either based on the movie or the graphic novel's security guard design. Hell, maybe he'll just get a purple shirt or a shirt with a Fazbear design on it, idk.
The Map
So I know a lot of people want the map to just be based on one location. However, I personally have a different idea in mind. Similar to the Saw map, they could merge different locations together. If it's a one-for-one recreation of, let's say, Fazbear's Frights, we'd get another situation like RPD, where it's accurate to the original game but also not great for DBD's gameplay. Instead, I think it would be interesting to have rooms and locations based on all of the games. Maybe the office is the iconic FNAF 1 office, and then there's Pirate's Cove, but also the Puppet's music box is here, and there are some broken animatronics lying around that are from various different games. It would also make sense lore-wise since, in DBD, the maps are taken from the character's memories, so it would be like an amalgamation of Springtrap's memories, for example. It would be more interesting than trying to choose one of the iconic FNAF locations, and turning it into a DBD map.
Map Easter Eggs
Adding to my last point, whatever map they decide to go for should be similar to Midwich, RPD and Nostromo, in my opinion. Not structure-wise, but rather with the easter eggs. Midwich has girls crying in bathrooms, shaking bodies, bodies falling out of lockers, and RPD has zombies outside the windows and the save menu music playing in the safe room. Nostromo has the face-hugger in the window, Jonesy in the lockers, and the MU-TH-UR room, and if they added this level of love to the FNAF map, that would be amazing. Some ideas would be hearing the music box music near the Puppet's box (and maybe even the Puppet leaping up from the box), JJ under the office table sometimes, the audio of Chica in the kitchen playing behind the Kitchen door, the Cupcake wandering around and Shadow Freddy/Bonnie randomly appearing in the hallway but then disappearing when you turn around. Stuff like that.
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mysimsloveaffair · 1 year ago
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Brianna: I have to have them, but I insist on paying you for them. I’ll meet you at the register.
Bri has judged right; those earrings could sell for over 1000 simoleons. But in his eyes, they now belong to her, and there’s no way he’s charging her full price for them. Having her here today is payment enough, but he tries to settle on a price she’d accept.
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Dwight fumbles around upstairs a moment before finally joining Bri downstairs. She agrees to his deflated price and pays him.
Brianna: Thanks Dwight. I’ve taken enough of your time. I still need to find a gift and head to my office party.
Bri turns to leave. Dwight hesitates, then rushes over before she makes it to the door. He clears the nerves from his throat.
Dwight: Before you leave, I wanted to ask one thing.
Bri stops and faces him.
Brianna: What’s that?
Dwight pulls out a rose he was saving for one of his flower arrangements and presents it to Bri.
Dwight: I know this might sound odd because you just met me. But I was hoping you’d allow me to take you to dinner. I mean, I’d understand if you -
Bri stops him mid-sentence and accepts the rose.
Brianna: That’s so sweet. Of course, I’d love to.
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Dwight can’t believe his luck. Was that a ‘yes’?
Dwight: Really?
He doesn’t mean to sound so unsure of himself, but he’s never exactly had women beating down his door.
Brianna: Yes. I was hoping you’d ask to avoid me stopping by every day until you did.
Dwight can’t believe his ears. He stands there staring at Bri, admiring her beauty, feeling completely dumbfounded.
Brianna: Look me up on Social Bunny under Brianna Blu. So will I see you soon?
Dwight: Yes – very soon.
She turns to leave again.
Dwight: Thanks for stopping by -
Dwight keeps the last part to himself, ‘and changing my life forever.’
The End
Thanks for reading this short Banks Dynasty Interlude featuring my new character, Dwight, and Dub’s cousin, Brianna.** And thanks to EA for the game code, making this short story possible.
A more generic version of Dwight’s shop is available here: Glitz Flowers & Jewelry
**link takes you to my WordPress website
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ohhappyday123 · 9 months ago
Office Dynamics - Part 3
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The sun streamed through the windows of Dunder Mifflin, casting a warm glow over the desks and adding a sense of coziness to the office. You made your way to your desk at the end of the table, right between Stanley and Phyllis. It was your favorite spot, not just because of the location, but because Stanley and Phyllis treated you with the utmost kindness.
Stanley greeted you with a rare smile. “Morning, Y/N. How’s it going?”
“Morning, Stanley. It’s going well, thanks,” you replied, returning his smile.
Phyllis, always the motherly figure, offered you a piece of homemade fudge. “I made these last night. Thought you might like one.”
You accepted the treat gratefully. “Thank you, Phyllis. You always know how to brighten my day.”
The camera crew caught you at your desk, munching on the fudge, and you gave them a thumbs-up.
Interview with Y/N: “Stanley and Phyllis are the best. They’ve kind of taken me under their wing, and it’s really nice. It makes coming to work even better.”
The office was still buzzing with excitement from the Renaissance Fair, and everyone seemed to be in high spirits. You glanced over at Jim, who was deep in conversation with Pam. He caught your eye and winked, making your heart flutter.
As you got settled, Michael burst out of his office, his usual enthusiasm on full display. “Alright, everyone! Today is a special day. We’re going to have a team-building exercise. Trust falls!”
The office collectively groaned, but you couldn’t help but laugh. Michael’s attempts at team-building were always entertaining, if not entirely successful.
The day progressed with the usual antics. Stanley kept a crossword puzzle on his desk and occasionally asked for your help with a tricky word. Phyllis shared more of her delicious treats, making sure you were well-fed and happy.
Interview with Stanley: “Y/N is a good kid. She’s respectful, hardworking, and knows not to bother me during my crossword time. That’s all I ask for.”
Interview with Phyllis: “Y/N is like a daughter to me. She’s always so sweet and appreciative. I love having her around.”
During one of the trust falls, Dwight insisted on demonstrating the proper technique. He climbed onto the table and called for everyone’s attention. “This is how you do it!” he declared, arms outstretched.
Just as Dwight was about to fall, Jim walked over and stood beside you, his arm brushing against yours. You looked up at him, your heart skipping a beat.
“Ready to catch me, Y/N?” Jim asked, his voice teasing.
You laughed, nodding. “Always.”
As Dwight fell, Jim and you caught him, albeit awkwardly, causing everyone to burst into laughter. Dwight stood up, adjusting his tie with a huff. “That’s how it’s done.”
The rest of the day was filled with more team-building exercises, each one more ridiculous than the last. Through it all, Jim stayed close, making sure you were always included and having fun.
Interview with Jim: “Y/N and I are really clicking. It’s amazing to have someone here who gets me and makes every day better.”
By the end of the day, you were exhausted but happy. As you packed up your things, Stanley and Phyllis approached you.
“Y/N, would you like to join us for lunch tomorrow?” Phyllis asked, her eyes twinkling with kindness.
“We’re going to the new Italian place down the street,” Stanley added, a rare hint of excitement in his voice.
You smiled, feeling touched by their invitation. “I’d love to. Thank you.”
As you walked to your car, Jim caught up with you, his hand slipping into yours. “Hey, I was thinking… how about dinner again tonight?”
You looked up at him, feeling a rush of warmth. “I’d love that.”
Interview with Y/N: “Jim and I are taking things one day at a time, and it’s been amazing. The support from everyone here, especially Stanley and Phyllis, means the world to me. I feel really lucky.”
That evening, you and Jim had dinner at a cozy little restaurant. The conversation flowed easily, and you felt a deep sense of connection with him. As the night came to a close, Jim walked you to your car, his hand never leaving yours.
“I’m really glad we’re doing this, Y/N,” Jim said, his voice soft.
“Me too, Jim,” you replied, your heart full.
He leaned in and kissed you, a sweet, lingering kiss that made you feel like you were floating. As you drove home, you couldn’t help but smile, knowing that this was just the beginning of something truly special.
The next day at work, you settled into your desk with a renewed sense of happiness. Stanley and Phyllis greeted you warmly, and Jim flashed you that charming smile that always made your day. The office was buzzing with the usual energy, but everything felt a little brighter, a little more hopeful.
Interview with Y/N: “Life at Dunder Mifflin is never boring, that’s for sure. But with friends like Pam, Dwight, Stanley, and Phyllis, and something special with Jim, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
As you looked around the office, you felt a deep sense of gratitude. You were surrounded by people who cared about you, and you had something special with Jim. Whatever the future held, you knew you’d face it together, one day at a time.
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Solar Opposites: Ultra Opposites The Movie Ch. 3 (from @avaveevo)
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It starts with Yumyulack and Jesse at school.
Yumyulack: Man! What a day!
Suddenly, he hears screaming.
Yumyulack: What the fuck was that?!
Jesse: I don’t know! Come on Yummybear!
The Replicants rushed out of school and sees people in danger on top of a building.
Jesse: Shit! We gotta help them!
Yumyulack: We can’t! We might get in trouble!
Meanwhile… Terry was playing on his Nintendo switch
Terry: Die Bowser motherfucker!
Suddenly, the news turns on.
News Report: Breaking news! Citizens are in danger on top of a collapsing building! Police tries to rescue but failed attempts have prevented! Who can help save those people?!
Terry gasps
Terry: Oh no! Who’s gonna help them? *but then grins as he gets an idea* Wait a minute…
Back with the building
Pam: Help! Someone help us!
Terry runs towards the building and gasps
Terry: Oh my God! Hang on!
Terry suddenly starts flying up
Terry: *gasp* I’m flying?! Woo-hoo! This is fucking awesome! I’m coming citizens!
Leonard: We’re gonna die!
Pim: Jam! There I always wanted to say! I think you’re a brave strong independent woman! I love it when it drives me wild and you are the best part of my office!
Jam: Yeah! I love you too!
Pim kisses Jam as he blushes. The two coworkers and the citizens then suddenly see Terry flying.
Dwight: Who is that?
Pam: I don’t know
Terry: Don’t worry! I’m here to save you!
Citizens: Huh? Whuh? What?
Terry: Trust me! *to himself* Okay, Terry. You got this. Make your husband proud!
Terry then grabs the citizens one by one as they grow shock and astonished. Terry then sees a safe spot and lands the citizens there.
Terry: It’s okay, my buddies! You’re safe now!
Citizens: Whoa! That was awesome! Fuck yeah! Who is he?! You rock man! Woo-hoo! Our hero!
Back with Korvo
Korvo: Huh? I wonder where Terry could be?
Terry enters looking dirty
Korvo: Whoa! Terry! What happened to you?! Are you okay?!
Before Terry can answer, the news turns on
News Report: This is just in, a mysterious alien vigilante saved a group of people from a collapsing building. Whoever did this, thank you mysterious hero!
Korvo gasps and looks at Terry
Korvo: That’s how… I-I… don’t believe it… Terry! You risk your own damn life to save these people?!
Terry: Yep! So do you think? Did I do good or what?
Korvo: Terry… I… I-
Terry: Yes?
Korvo: I’m so…so-
Suddenly, Korvo feels the pain again as he panics and breaths in and out.
Terry: Korvo?! Korvo, are you-
Korvo: STAY AWAY! *runs upstairs*
Terry: Huh?
Terry rushes after Korvo and stops at his and Korvo’s bedroom door. Terry tries to open the door but it’s locked.
Terry: Korvy! Korvy!
Korvo is heard but his voice is deep and distorted
Terry: Korv?
Terry gasp as he backs away
Terry: Korvo? You okay?
Terry then hears roaring as he yelps and backs away. But then, then roaring fades into crying.
Terry: Korvo? What’s going on? You can tell me?
Then, he realizes Korvo is now crying.
Korvo: Terry… please… don’t do that again…
Terry: Huh? What do you-
Korvo: *breaks down in tears more* Just please! Promise me you won’t do that again! I don’t wanna lose you!
Terry: But what if someone wants to-
Korvo: *weeps; voice breaking* Please Terry… I don’t wanna lose you…
Terry: *sighs* Okay…
Korvo concern crying which made Terry even more concern and guilty.
Terry: Korvy? Can I come in?
Korvo: *snapping* NO!
Terry: Hey hey! It’s okay! I promise you can tell me anything!
Korvo: *tearfully* It-it’s something I am not ready to tell you! I just can’t! You’ll hate me if I tell you!
Terry: Okay. Then don’t tell me.
Korvo: *crying* Please Terry! Don’t leave me! *weeps*
Terry: No no! It’s okay Korvy… I won’t leave you… you’re my Korvy… I am not going anywhere… I am staying right here… I promise… I won’t use my powers again… for your sake… because I love you…
Korvo: Terry… thanks…
Terry: Anytime.
The door suddenly opens and Terry gasps and blushes at the sight
Terry: K-Korvy?
To Terry’s surprise, Korvo is wearing a beautiful flowing blue nightgown. Korvo is also wearing teal eyeshadow
Korvo: So what do you think, mi amore?
Terry: Woah. You look gorgeous. I mean, you always are but…
Korvo interrupts Terry with a kiss as they moan lovingly. As Terry and Korvo kiss, Terry makes a small flame that then flashes to a flashback of Korvo keeping his eyes close.
Terry: *takes a deep breath* Okay Korvo, I am ready to tell you something!
Korvo opens one eye
Korvo: What is that you wanted to tell me?
Terry gooblers as he gets down on one knee much to Korvo’s confusion
Terry: *takes a deep breath* Korvo, for so long, we made an amazing life on Earth. I know how precious that is, how precious you are, but after making our time on Earth, becoming a family, there is no one I would rather spend it with than you. I love you Korvo. You’re my Korvy and always will be.
Korvo smiles with tears in his eyes
Korvo: Oh Terry…
Terry: And that why I want to ask… *gets out a box and opens it with a ring in it* Korvo, will you marry me?
Korvo gasps
Korvo: Is…is that real?
Terry: Yes. Yes it is… so is that a yes?
Korvo embraces Terry in a kiss as they moan lovingly and cry with happiness. Terry then puts the ring on Korvo as he smiles tearfully
Terry: I bought it cuz it really brings out your eyes.
Korvo: Oh Terry, that is so sweet. I love it. It’s so beautiful.
Terry: You’re beautiful.
Korvo smiles tearfully and the two aliens head back to kissing the flashback ends as Korvo sniffles next to Terry as Terry holds him close and smiles.
Terry: So, how are you feeling, Korv?
Korvo then falls asleep peacefully as he feel safe in his hubby’s arms as Terry then smiles. Terry carries Korvo to the bed and lays him down gently
Terry: I love you my sweet Korvy. I will still keep our promise, because I want you to be happy. I love you…
Terry kisses Korvo on the forehead. Then, Terry heads on the bed and snuggles with his husband as they snore peacefully.
Unknown to them, Ophelia has been watching them from her crystal ball.
Ophelia: Hmm? So those are the aliens that have those powers huh? We’ll see about that…
Ophelia laughs evilly
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onceandfuturelesbian · 1 year ago
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
i definitely don’t mind, i LOVE getting asks so everyone please feel free to message me or send asks
here it goes
my top 10 favourite characters EVER (in no particular order)
1. nick miller (new girl)
- he’s so chaotic and stupid and i relate to him so much, definitely one of my favourite comfort characters
2. andy dwyer (parks and recreation)
- also chaotic and stupid, i just think he’s funny and adorable, just generally wholesome, another favourite comfort character
3. loki laufeyson (marvel cinematic universe)
- he’s on that absolute king shit!!! chaotic, funny, badass, has magic and can be scary (which is a slay). the fact that he’s queer is a major plus too
4. scott lang (marvel cinematic universe)
- just a goofy lil guy with so much love in his heart. another amazing and wholesome comfort character
5. merlin + arthur pendragon (bbc merlin)
- 2 for 1 cause they’re best together. i read merthur fics everyday and while i know fics aren’t accurate to their actual character/canon, they have one of the best dynamics ive ever seen
6. adelina amouteru (the young elites trilogy by marie lu)
- been ages since i read this but adelina is such a cool character. if i had powers, id want to have hers (or flying, that’d be great). actually went as adelina for halloween once. 10000/10 recommend the young elites
7. lena luthor / morgana pendragon (supergirl / bbc merlin)
- another 2 for 1. i watched merlin because i saw katie mcgrath in supergirl and now i read merthur everyday. both lena and morgana’s journeys are beautiful imo. lena from light to dark back to light. morgana’s from light to dark when it was so preventable. perfect characters for a perfect actress
8. nick nelson (heartstopper tv)
- i related to his s1 storyline quite a bit but overall he’s just such a loving character. sometimes when i see him on screen, i think he’s gonna explode with how much he loves charlie, his mom, nellie. reblog if u also need a nick nelson hug LOL
9. mirabella (three dark crowns series by kendare blake)
- one of my favourite book series and my favourite mc!! like seriously guys look up this series, the original plot is so cool and there’s some plot twists that made my jaw drop - my sister rating goes mirabella, katharine, arsinoe btw hehe
10. dwight schrute (the office)
- he carried the show tbh. especially after michael left. i never rly cared much for jim and pam (ofc i wanted them to get together but i don’t love them). dwight was consistently funny and chaotic, and most of the best plots included/rided on him
honourable mentions:
- lily tucker-pritchett (modern family)
- jaskier (the witcher)
- geralt of rivia (the witcher)
- edna mode (the incredibles)
- craig pelton (community)
- finnick odair (the hunger games)
- lucifer morningstar (lucifer)
honourable duo/trio mentions:
- wong + madisynn (she-hulk)
- steven grant + marc spector (moon knight)
- cam tucker + phil dunphy + gloria pritchett (modern family)
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tiny-buzz · 2 years ago
Regis Philbin and Jim from the Office (Actor John Krasinski) were not longtime friends. In fact, despite working at the same studio in New York City, it wasn't until 2011, close to Regis's retirement, that the two men's paths would cross outside 30 Rockefeller Center.
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"Well I was always a huge fan of Regis growing up as a kid" [Jim from The Office is responding to a question that was presented off screen] "So it caught me off guard that he was a fan of my work as well. I remember him saying how he and his wife would watch my show every Tuesday at 9:30 pm EST on NBC. He was blushing slightly, asking the type of questions I was used to hearing at Office fan conventions, like 'Hey, how did you get Dwight's Stapler suspending in Jello like that' and 'So when Kevin spilled the chili, was that real, or just "TV Magic"?' [Jim does a startling skilled impression of Regis here]. Filming for the day had wrapped at that point, and I offered to buy Regis a cup of coffee, so we could continue our conversation further. At that point in my life, my career was ascendant, so I had stopped off in my dressing room to put on what were my usual disguises I would wear in public to obfuscate my identity (A giant scarf with a checkered pattern that reflects back the flash of any Paparazzi cameras, large dark moon-shaped sunglasses, and a plain burlap coat devoid of any logos or symbols and thick enough to hide the shape of my body). I asked Regis whether he would be wearing his disguise and he laughed a deep belly laugh before telling me that he loves his fans, and wouldn't have it any other way. I soon found this to be true when, during our walk, excited passersby would gawk and stare, fully enraptured by Regis' presence. Regis would catch their eye and ask them if they were looking for 'a photo, an autograph, or just a smile'. I remember in a clever bit of role reversal, multiple Spidermen stopped to ask *him* to pose for a photograph. I'll never forget the way Regis joked with the Spidermen, coaxing them to flex their biceps and exclaiming about how strong they were, all the while insisting that they, not him, were the real heroes."
"WE talked for hours after arriving at the coffee shop. He shared his triumphs, his regrets, and the things he wasn't quite sure how to feel about after nearly a half century on television. 'Now don't get me wrong', Regis explained, 'I wouldn't trade one second of it'. As our conversation stretched into the evening, he began to tell me stories that I had never heard, either in the trades our through gossip. He confided that he had had many children out of wedlock, about the overflowing tensions between himself and Kelly Ripa which almost made him question his love of daytime TV hosting, and how he often wondered if Meredith Vieira had the 'Zing' necessary to pull Who Wants To Be A Millionaire US franchise out of its ratings slump."
"EVENTUALLY, apologetically, our barista let us know that they would be closing soon and Regis thanked her with a picture, an autograph, and a $200 cash tip. Regis registered my surprise. 'You want to make it big enough to make it happy, but not so much to make headlines you know what I mean?' he said, gently ribbing me with his elbow. As we waited outside for a cab (this was before Uber really took off), we began saying our goodbyes, exchanging contact information with promises of meeting again someday in the future. When a driver finally arrived he opened the back door began staring into my eyes, looking for something that I wasn't sure was there before telling me that there was 'something I'd like you to see.'"
"I took off my disguise once entering the cab. Though I was initially worried that I would be recognized for my role as Jim, I should have known by now that Regis was the star, and I was merely a satellite in his orbit. Regis opened by giving his home address and then adding that it was his 'final answer'. From the rest of the trip home, our driver was starstruck. He, like me, had grown up watching Regis' glow emanate from the TV screen in his home, seemingly there, in the background of every pivotal life moment, separated by only a thin piece of glass. When we arrived, Regis let him take a photo, then handed him an autograph alongside a very large tip, thereby earning not only the drivers loyalty, but his undying reverence.
"REGIS'S manse was at both times massive, and yet still reflective of his working class upbringing in the Bronx. As we walked through to his study I marveled at all the TV memorabilia that lined the halls: the collar from the original Lassie, the intercom from Charlie's angels, a piece of the Challenger Space Shuttle, as well as an original sketch of Bart Simpson's shorts. 'This!' Regis exclaimed, unlocking the drawer to his large polished oak desk, 'This is what I wanted to show you!'. Regis slowly spread out what appeared to be an old naval map from the 19th, no, the 18th century. 'I want to go here', Regis said, pointing to coast of the colony of North Carolina, 'That's where the best clam fishing is! The problem is, the sandbars are too high for most motor fishing boats. So we're going to have to get creative!' Thinking back on it, I'm almost certain that Regis never asked me if I wanted to join his voyage. Perhaps he didn't need to. I think we both knew from the time I stepped into his home that I was with him no matter where his adventure took us and that that was my final answer."
"WE stayed up late into the night, drinking fermented clam juice, speculating on what the media would say if it ever got out that two of TV's biggest stars would soon be legendary Clam-haulers. Regis spoke passionately at length about his Irish background and the history and fortitude of the Philbin Clan. We made plan to set sail 6:00 a.m. on Friday morning to set sail on the SS Regis Weekend.
"WHEN I arrived at the docks, I immediately felt myself to be ill-suited to the task, especially when compared to the other members of the crew. There was "John" Regis Jr Ripa, a young and jovial burly man with bleach blonde windswept hair fastening a large sail with the Philbin family sigil to the ships mast, Louis Lee, John's half brother, 6 years his senior, checking the ships inventory, a mostly silent man known only as "King" who appeared very much like Regis, only more squat and muscular with large tribal face tattoos, and Regina, the ship's cook, a short and homely woman of unknown parentage. 'So what do you say? Are you ready?' Regis asked, playfully slapping me on the back. Not long after I agreed, I was put to work, and we soon set sail after, due South, where Regis's great bounty awaited us.
"IT was two days in when the storm set upon us. We were all of us, the crew, feasting and drinking in the galley, listening to Regis regale us with tales of what Oprah Winfrey was really like behind the scenes when King burst in. Hurried, he warned us that the severe winds had contracted the sail, and if it was not properly extended, our ship would be blown off course. Spry and nimble, Regis rushed to the ships helm while we Men braved the harsh winds, pulling rope and tying knots to extend the sail of the Regis Weekend. A large wave burrowed and then crept across the deck of the ship, sweeping us away off our feet, and then up and back again from the right side. Encased in a wall of rain, I lost sight of John and Louis, and only saw King again as he was pulled me up after I found myself dangling from the ships side. It was only after the storm had subsided that we realized they had been swallowed by the cruel sea.
"REGIS mourned his lost sons for all of Saturday evening and most of Sunday morning. During that time he retreated often to the captains quarters, making me question whether his entire expedition had been folly. I had grown ill as well, my constitution weakened by a lack of vitamin C after our fruit rations were depleted. I had by then resolved to confront Regis, to turn the Weekend around and return to New York City. That was when I heard it. First a thump, then a rattling, a clicking and finally Regis crying out 'Wowie!'
"On the deck of the weekend were dozens, if not hundreds of clams, leaping from the ocean and onto the SS Regis Weekend. 'Bet you didn't see this coming did ya?' Regis beamed, 'This is just fantastic! Wow!' King and I ushered the deck clams into the cargo hold, then set out nets on the port of the ship to collect the rest. When our holds were filled, Regina cooked a full feast of fresh baked clams and later that night we set course due North. Home"
"THOUGH our rewards were great, our losses were greater. Regis had finally proven that 19th century clam fishing techniques were still viable in the modern era, but in the process lost his two bastard sons. Regis would go on to host five more shows before retiring and I continued in my TV career and beyond, eventually starring and directing in feature film 'The Quiet Place' which contains a tribute to Louis Lee and John Ripa."
This was the only known encounter between Mr. Krasinski and Regis Philbin and only became public following Regis's death in 2020. Every year, on the anniversary of this event [September 9th], Mr. Krasinski will put out a public statement reading simply:
Regis Weekend Has Been Extended For The Next 24 Hours And Will Expire On September 10th.
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